Help Dave Sidhu become the BC United MLA in Abbotsford West!
Dave is a dedicated community leader, tirelessly advocating for his constituents while maintaining a strong commitment to family values, all driven by his passion to shape a brighter future for his community.
Dedicated to fostering positive change, Dave's primary focus lies in improving health care access and tackling infrastructure challenges in Abbotsford West.
Dave is prepared to advocate for the needs of Abbotsford West residents and work towards a better future for all.
Become a sustaining donor:
Comeback Club$10/month
Comeback Club$120/year
Club 300$25/month
Club 300$300/year
BC Builders$50/month
BC Builders$600/year
Founders' Club$120/month
Founders' Club$1450/year
Or make a one-time donation:
${{ amt }}
{{ ' ' }}
Enter any amount up to $1450.82:
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Make this an annual donation.
You will be eligible for a ${{ annualCredit.toFixed(2) }} tax credit — your total donation cost is ${{ (annualAmount - annualCredit).toFixed(2) }}.
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I want to choose which riding receives my donation.
Your donation will be directed to the selected riding association.
Your donation will be directed towards the Abbotsford West riding association. (Khushdave Sidhu)
Individuals cannot contribute more than $1450.82 in a calendar year to any political party or its riding associations.
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Elections BC requires that we collect your residential address. We cannot accept donations from a PO BOX or commercial address.
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Send the tax receipt to my residential address.
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By law, political contributions can only be made by an individual who is a resident of British Columbia who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. A contributor must not be reimbursed for their contribution by another individual or entity.
By registering you provide BC United with consent to contact you about BC United political activities, events and for the purpose of general internal Party administration.
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Your credit card will be charged ${{ donationAmount.toFixed(2) }} ({{ freq || 'one time' }}).
Your credit card will be charged ${{ donationAmount.toFixed(2) }} today and be kept on file to be charged monthly.
Your credit card will be charged ${{ donationAmount.toFixed(2) }} today and be kept on file to be charged annually.
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Thank you for your donation.
{{ message }}
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